What is Neo4j.rb?
The Neo4j.rb project is made up of the follow Ruby gems:
- activegraph A Object-Graph-Mapper (OGM) for the Neo4j graph database. It tries to follow API conventions established by ActiveRecord and familiar to most Ruby developers but with a Neo4j flavor.
- neo4j-ruby-driver A low level driver for connecting to Neo4j. Used by the
gem. - neo4j-rake_tasks) A set of rake tasks for installing and managing a Neo4j database within your project.
- Ruby
(software) A dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.
- Graph
Database (computer science) A graph database stores data in a graph, the most generic of data structures, capable of elegantly representing any kind of data in a highly accessible way.
- Neo4j
(databases) The world's leading graph database
If you're already familiar with ActiveRecord, DataMapper, or Mongoid, you'll find the Object Model features you've come to expect from an O*M:
- Properties
- Indexes / Constraints
- Callbacks
- Validation
- Assocations
Additional features include
- A chainable arel-inspired query builder
- Transactions
- Migration framework
- Ruby 2.5+ (tested in MRI and JRuby)
- Neo4j 3.4+
Latest News
Get started
New to Ruby? Try Ruby in your browser!
Installation resources:
- Mac: Getting started
- Windows: Rails installer
New to Neo4j? Try Neo4j in your browser!
Installation resources:
brew install neo4j
/neo4j start
- All Platforms: Download Neo4j
Introduction screencast
Ruby Rogues interview
Brian Underwood, one of the former maintainers of the Neo4j.rb project, gave an interview with the Ruby Rogues. See episode #236.
In your Gemfile
gem 'activegraph'
gem 'neo4j-ruby-driver'
A sample ActiveNode model
class User
include ActiveGraph::Node
property :name
property :age, type: Integer
has_many :out, :friends, type: :friends_with, model_class: 'User'
has_one :in, :github_profile, type: :linked_to # model_class: 'GithubProfile' assumed
Using query chaining to get the github profiles for a user's friends
If you're the sort who likes to watch a video, check out our intro screencast.
If you like to read, check out our documentation's setup page.
Simple queries
If you just want to execute some raw cypher queries you can do the following.
ActiveGraph::Base.driver =
me = ActiveGraph::Base.query('MATCH (found:User) WHERE found.name = {aName} RETURN found', aName: 'Andreas').first.found
There is also a query-building API which allows you to build cypher queries with method chaining:
user = ActiveGraph::Base.query.match(found: :User)
.where(found: {name: 'Andreas'})
At each step in the chain a query object is returned which is also Enumerable
. See the documentation for more info.
Also note that with the query chaining there is no need to use params (which are important for efficient neo4j queries). They will be used in the background in this case.
Install in Ruby on Rails
In your config/application.rb
config.neo4j.driver.url = ENV['NEO4J_URL'] || 'neo4j://localhost:7687'
config.neo4j.driver.username = 'user'
config.neo4j.driver.password = 'password'
Getting involved
Like any open source project we happily welcome:
- New Issue
- Start a pull request!
- Improvements to our documentation
You can also join us on our mailing list
Getting Help
Need help using the gem? Think you've found a bug? There are a few ways to get help.
- StackOverflow
- Github issues
- Neo4j.rb on Twitter
Source code of this site
If you notice anything wrong with this page, feel free to submit a pull request on the repository